Archbishop Cordileone celebrates Mass at Archbishop Riordan High School during Holy Week

By Mary Powers
On Wednesday, April 5, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone traveled to Archbishop Riordan High School to celebrate Mass with more than 1,100 students, faculty, and staff. Father Gregory Heidenblut, chaplain at Riordan, and Father Michael Quinn, former chaplain, concelebrated the Mass.
In his homily, Archbishop Cordileone recounted a famous story of a Chinese martyr—dubbed “Little Li”—who at 11 years old lived through persecution in China. One day, soldiers brought her whole village into the local Church and dumped Eucharistic hosts on the ground and did not allow the villagers to touch them or even enter the Church. Little Li snuck into the church for 30 days, knelt down, and received one host each day on her tongue. On the last day, she was caught and killed just as she received the last host. The Archbishop challenged the students to be like Little Li—in a time of much darkness, to be lights, and stay close to our Eucharistic Lord.
Following Mass, a reception was sponsored by the Campus Ministry Team, and the Archbishop visited an honors class.