Are You Called to Be an Angel?

You can be an angel and your parish can be a host of angels.
The participation of many parishes is critical to the success of our Archdiocesan outreach to pregnant mothers in need. The easier it is for parishes to participate, the better. To this end, printed materials, training of parish volunteers, the central toll-free helpline, and overall project coordination are provided to parishes at no cost. The Gabriel Project is a marvelous way to show the community that your parish cares about pregnant mothers in need and that there is no reason for any mother within its boundaries to feel that she is helpless and alone.
In the Gospel of Luke, the Angel Gabriel told Mary the good news that a child would be born and that she was to be the Mother of our Savior. When she asked, “How can this be?” the angel told her not to be afraid for “nothing is impossible with God.”
The Gabriel Project announces the same comforting message to frightened pregnant mothers: Fear not, for God is with you! Nothing is impossible with God.
The following volunteer roles are available:
Parish Coordinator
Coordinators are called to be compassionate leaders who coordinate human and material resources. They inspire, motivate and encourage Angels and might become personally involved with some Moms.
Working at all times with approval and/or direction from the Pastor, the Parish Coordinator oversees the organization of the project within the parish. This includes:
- Initial setup of the project.
- Recruiting Angels.
- Assigning Angels to Moms.
- Helping Angels fulfill Mom’s needs via the parish community and other resources.
- Overseeing Angels in their ministry.
- Communication of information to the parish community.
- Ongoing promotion of the project within the parish.
(May be Parish or Auxiliary)
Angels are called to give the love of Christ to the mothers they help. Each Mom should have her own Angel so she can receive undivided care and attention. Very often it is the personal Christian witness of her Angel that inspires Mom to seek Christ in her own life.
- Angels befriend and minister to pregnant mothers throughout their pregnancies and somewhat beyond.
- Angels pray for Mom and encourage her at every stage of her journey.
- Angels keep the Coordinator informed about the well being of Mom and child.
- Angels ask the local and parish communities for specific items or services on behalf of Mom.
Assistant Angels
Assistant Angels help on a more limited basis and might help several Moms with a particular need, such as:
- providing transportation to church, shopping, doctor’s visits, errands, etc.
- providing diapers or formula
- helping with parish Baby Showers
- offering meals, shopping, baby-sitting
- assisting in resources that provide financial support
- professional counseling (financial, psychological,medical, etc.)
- helping with referrals to find employment
- assisting with finding educational opportunities
- referring and/or helping connect to community resources that offer temporary housing
- knitting or crocheting receiving blankets, booties, quilts, etc.
All angels are encourage to also help us spread the word about the project within their circle of influence, like providing pamphlets, sharing information with friends, family, etc. Whatever they do, all volunteers working to help moms in need act as the Body of Christ and bring love and hope to Moms through their acts of kindness.
If you are feeling called, email [email protected] to learn more.