San Francisco

The online and print magazine
of the Archdiocese of San Francisco

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Keep up with the latest happenings in and around the Archdiocese.

Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption honors Archbishop Cordileone on 12th anniversary of his installation
Friends of the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption had been planning for some time a special gift and unique presentation for the Archbishop to commemorate the occasion.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Catholic Church involvement in elections
Every year the question arises – what exactly can the Catholic Church do when it comes to elections, candidates and issues? Under IRS rules, the Catholic Church may take a… Read More
Tradition of White Mass celebrates, supports Catholic medical professionals
Medical professionals are blessed with “this holy call as a Catholic health care worker healing mind and body with the selfless love of the Mother of God, with the compassion… Read More
VOTE NO on SF’s Prop. O on Nov. 5
‘Having babies is at the heart of reproductive health care!’ – EN ESPAÑOL: “El tener bebes es la esencia del cuidado de salud reproductivo”
Archbishop Cordileone ordains five seminarians to the transitional diaconate
St. Patrick’s Seminary was bustling with excitement on September 28 as Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone ordained five men to the transitional diaconate.
City Hall celebration marks St. Vincent de Paul School centennial
“This school has survived earthquakes, it has survived fires, it has survived politics and so many other challenges, and here it is, stronger than ever,” Mayor Breed said.
The source and summit of our lives
St. Francis knew that the way we treat this wonderful sacrament reflects our respect and veneration for the presence of God in our world, including in all God’s creatures.
St. Francis of Assisi: 800th anniversary of the stigmata
St. Francis of Assisi: Join us in celebrating the 800 anniversary of the stigmata. CLICK HERE FOR EVENTS THIS WEEK!
Father Cameron Faller installed as pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church
“I have worked very closely with Father Faller for many years now…He is a man who is guided by the wisdom from above that teaches us what to ask for… Read More
Solemn professions mark new phase in Archdiocese’s historic new religious order
“After being ordained to the priesthood, it feels like probably the greatest day of my life,” said Father Vito Joseph Mary Perrone of the Holy Face and the Sacred Heart… Read More
Annual Red Mass honors legal giant and decorated veteran
Members of the legal profession gathered at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church on Thursday, September 19, for the annual Red Mass sponsored by the St. Thomas More Society of… Read More

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