Celebrating the adventure of religious life at Mass for Consecrated Life
“You need to have a sense of adventure.” That was what one sister told Sister of Saint Joseph of Carondelet Theresa Kvale when she asked her in high school about religious life. This year, Sr. Theresa celebrates 60 years in religious life.
On Sept. 18, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone celebrated the Mass for Consecrated Life at St. Mary’s Cathedral where he honored sisters and priests celebrating 25, 50, 60, 70 and 75 years of religious life. The sisters and priests celebrating anniversaries this year span across ten religious orders including the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, the Sisters of Mercy, the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Dominican sisters, Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, among others.

Back Row: Sr. Kathleen Curtin, PBVM, Sr. Ann Conlon, PBVM, Sr. Maureen McInerney, OP, Rev. Joseph McLaughlin, SM Sr. Freda Milke, RSM, Sr. My Hanh Cao, DC
In his homily, Archbishop Cordileone thanked the religious for their service to the church saying, “My dear sister and brother jubilarians: it is our joy to honor you today…I did the math: the jubilarians we honor today represent, right before our very eyes, a cumulative 2,205 years of witness to the liberating love of Jesus Christ in the consecrated life! I know you did not give one second of these years for the sake of recognition for yourself. But we need to recognize you, and it makes us happy to do so.”
As in previous years, jubilarians renewed the vows they made at their profession during the liturgy. The faithful answered by asking God to continue to bless them for their gift of themselves, promising to continue their prayers and support for the sisters and priests.

Archbishop Cordileone also encouraged young people to consider a vocation to religious life: “Dear young people: the Church needs the witness of faithful, holy consecrated persons in our own time just as in every other; in fact, perhaps even more so in our own time than in the past. Do not be afraid to answer God’s call. Pray, stay strong in your practice of the faith and active in your faith community, seeking spiritual counsel from wise persons with valuable life experience…set your sights on Jesus and follow Him. He will not let you down!”
The religious jubilarians honored at the September 18 Mass include:
25 Years
Sister My Hanh Cao, DC
50 Years
Rev. James Mitchell, SJ
Rev. Joseph McLaughlin, SM
Sister Maureen McInerney, OP/SR
Sister Patricia Campbell, RSM
Rev. Paul Devot, SJ
Rev. Richard Chilson, CSP
60 Years
Sister Ann Conlon, PBVM
Sister Antonia Ramos, RSCJ
Sister Deanna Rose von Bargen, RSCJ
Sister Elizabeth Hartson, RSCJ
Sister Emmanual Cardinale, OP/SR
Sister Freda Milke, RSM
Sister Irene Mary Martineau, FSP
Sister Kaye Cherry, RSCJ
Sister Linda Hayward, RSCJ
Sister Linda Ann Cahill, DC
Sister Magdalena Posada, RSCJ
Sister Maura Keleher, RSCJ
Sister Maureen Chicoine, RSCJ
Sister Rosina Conrotto, PBVM
Sister Sue Pixley, OP/SR
Sister Theresa Kvale, CSJ
70 Years
Sister Alma Doran, OP/SR
Sister Barbara Sullivan, OP/SR
Sister Helen Rosenthal, RSCJ
Sister Jane McKinlay, RSCJ
Sister Kathleen Curtin, PBVM
Sister Lorraine Amodeo, OP/SR
Sister Margaret Webster, PBVM
Sister Pat Shaffer, RSCJ
Sister Rosemary Dobler, RSCJ
Sister Veronica Landi, OP/SR
Sister Virginia King, PBVM
75 Years
Sister Marilyn Gouailhardou, RSM
Sister Elizabeth Wekall, RSM
Photos: Dennis Callahan, Archdiocese of San Francisco