Engaged Parishioners Participate in Synod Sessions across three Counties

By Catholic San Francisco
Pope Francis once again invited the whole Church to participate in the next phase of the Synod on Synodality through engagement sessions that will inform the upcoming Synod of Bishops in October 2024.
The Archdiocese of San Francisco hosted three engagement sessions on March 8 and 9: one in San Mateo, one in San Francisco, and one in Marin. Participants joined from across Archdiocesan parishes to engage in reflections and discussions designed to help shape the Church’s understanding of herself and her mission of evangelization and forming disciples. All Catholic were invited to participate in the local Synod process during Lent.
Lori Tedjeske of the Catholic Leadership Institute facilitated each engagement session, and results will be summarized in a document that will be shared in the coming weeks with parishioners on the Archdiocesan website and with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), who will use the feedback collected to prepare a national report for the Synod leaders at the Vatican.
The report from the 2022 Synod listening sessions that were conducted across the Archdiocese can be accessed here.
Photo above: Lidia Wasowicz shares perspectives with her group at the engagement session at St. Raphael parish in Marin County.