Consagración de Rusia y Ucrania al Corazón Inmaculado de María
Solemnidad de la Anunciación – 25 de marzo de 2022
The Holy Father has asked the Faithful of the world to join him and the bishops in prayer as he consecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He asked all the bishops around the world to participate by leading their respective dioceses in this consecration. If you’re unable to participate at your own parish, you may wish to participate by prayerfully attending the events virtually:

Las oraciones
Aquí están los enlaces a las oraciones de consagración que el Papa Francisco nos ha pedido que usemos.
Fr. Kevin’s Video Primer on Marian Consecration
We asked Fr. Kevin Kennedy from Our Lady of Fatima Byzantine Catholic Parish in San Francisco to let us know what this act of consecration is all about.