First Presentation – October 25, 2022
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm (Pacific Time) with Fr. Spitzer
The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, the Scientific Investigation of Eucharistic Miracles, and Inexplicable Features of the Hosts
1. The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
a. Scripture. – Eucharistic narratives, Jn 6.
b. Understanding the Eucharistic words as Jesus intended them.
c. The double collapse of time through the prophetic voice.
d. The Church fathers.
2. Miracles and The Scientific Investigation of Them
3. Six Inexplicable Features of Contemporary Eucharistic Miracles:
a. Presence of living heart tissue.
b. Presence of living white blood cells in the living tissue.
c. Integration of the substance of the host with the substance of the heart tissue.
d. The blood is AB positive blood type – same as Shroud of Turin.
e. The heart tissue has thrombi — indicating a person likely tortured.
f. There is no amplifiable DNA profile (despite the presence of genetic material). g. There are special features in each of the hosts.

Second Presentation – November 1, 2022
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm (Pacific Time) with Fr. Spitzer
Lanciano and Buenos Aires
1. The Scientific Investigation of the Host of Lanciano
2. The Host of Buenos Aires (1996) Overseen by Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis)
a. Brief history of the host.
b. The chain of custody and the scientific steps taken.
c. The roles of Dr. Ricardo Castanon Gomez and Dr. Frederic Zugibe Tixtla, Mexico.
d. The pathology report from Dr. Zugibe and its explanation.
e. Why this host is scientifically inexplicable.
3. The Significance of the Buenos Aires Host.

Third Presentation – November 15, 2022
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm (Pacific Time) with Fr. Spitzer
*Note: no class Nov. 8
Eucharistic Miracle at Tixtla, Mexico (2006) and Sokolka, Poland (2008) and Conclusions about the Miracles
1. The Miracle at Tixtla, Mexico
a. A brief history of the host.
b. Chain of custody under Castanon Gomez was excellent.
c. Fourteen scientific tests performed – results are published in Castanon Gomez’ Appendices.
d. Living heart tissue.
e. Blood (AB+) is flowing from the interior of the host to the exterior of the host – the scientific tests confirming this.
f. The heart tissue and the blood are alive and have living white blood cells and living macrophages ingesting lipids (six years after the host’s origin).
g. There is evidence that the person whose tissue it is suffered a polytrauma.
h. Given quick genetic testing and excellent chain of custody, why is there no amplifiable genetic profile?
i. Why this host is scientifically inexplicable.
2. The Host of Sokolka, Poland (2008)
a. A brief history of the host.
b. The chain of custody is well-documented.
c. The roles of Prof. Maria Sobaniec-Lotowska, MD, and Prof. Stanislaw Sulkowski, MD
d. The electron microscope screening of the integration of the substance of the host with the substance of the heart tissue – only a few microns.
e. The presence of living heart tissue.
f. The person whose tissue it is suffered severe trauma.
g. Why is this miracle scientifically inexplicable?
3. Conclusions About the Three Contemporary Eucharistic Hosts – Collective Scientific Inexplicability.
4. How Do Eucharistic Hosts Play Into the Faith and Doctrine of the Church Concerning the Holy Eucharist?

With Dr. Andrew Salzmann
NOV/22/2022 – (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Pacific Time)
The ‘Ordinary’ Eucharistic Miracle of Time Travel (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Pacific Time)
NOV/29/2022 – (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Pacific Time)
The ‘Ordinary’ Eucharistic Miracle of Doing God’s Work
DEC/06/22 – (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Pacific Time)
The ‘Ordinary’ Eucharistic Miracle of Transubstantiation
DEC/13/22 – (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Pacific Time)
The ‘Ordinary’ Eucharistic Miracle of Speaking with Christ
DEC/20/22 – (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Pacific Time)
The ‘Ordinary’ Eucharistic Miracle of Apocalyptic Joy