Restorative Justice Month: Week 3: Pray for the reform of our nation’s criminal justice and immigration system so that it becomes more open in its solutions to rehabilitating people and family unity.
Week 3 – Sunday, November 17, 2024
Pray for the reform of our nation’s criminal justice and immigration system so that it becomes more open in its solutions to rehabilitating people and family unity.
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Gospel Mk 13:24-32
“Learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near.”
Reflection on Restorative Justice: This passage from the Gospel of Mark speaks of significant changes and the coming of the Son of Man, symbolizing a transformative period. It encourages us to be attentive and prepared for these changes, much like the fig tree that signals the arrival of summer. This message can be applied to the reform of our nation’s criminal justice and immigration systems, emphasizing the need for transformation towards more restorative and humane practices. The passage highlights the gathering of the elect from all corners, symbolizing inclusivity and unity. Restorative justice practices focus on repairing harm and restoring relationships, involving all stakeholders in the process. This approach can be applied to both criminal justice and immigration systems, ensuring that individuals are treated with dignity and given opportunities to make amends and reintegrate into society.
Suggestions for Prayers of the Faithful
We pray:
- For the immediate changes needed in our nation’s criminal justice and immigration systems. Open the hearts of all who can make this a reality.
- Father God, grant the grace of healing and understanding to all the ministers who bring hope, love, and faith to those who have been victims of crime and those who have been unjustly incarcerated.
- Dear Lord, we believe that You created all humans in Your image. Keep inspiring and transforming the lives of the people who volunteer their time in prison ministries, so they may become channels of Your peace to all detainees and prisoners behind bars.
- God of justice, please stop the fast-growing prison industry in the United States, where two-thirds of the incarcerated population are African American and Latino men. Inspire legislators to abolish unjust laws and focus their energy on improving the education and criminal justice systems, particularly towards re-entry programs.