Silent Ignatian Retreat
Cost: 1440
An Ignatian Retreat was conceived by Ignatius of Loyola., the founder of the Society of Jesus. Many people find this type of retreat very accessible because it is based on how God is active in our daily lives. Taking time to explore our lives using our imagination, we begin to find how “God is in all things”.
As we spend time with “God in all things,” a new experience of relationship begins to open up in us. We see how God is always extending love and friendship and we realize that God wants to be connected to us. On retreat, we take time to contemplate this connection with God through meditations and the assistance of a director, we begin to open our hearts to God.
What to expect on retreat:
Daily spiritual direction
Daily Mass
Time to explore our connection with God through silence, prayer, art, and nature
Spiritual Direction available in Spanish and English
Silence on the Retreat
Silence on the retreat helps each person to focus their attention on God’s action in their lives. The silence is a silence of consideration as such retreatants are asked to maintain an atmosphere of silence at meals and in the bedroom areas and outside. No phone calls within the building, please.