Understanding the Synod on Synodality and Its Importance in Everyday Catholic Life

Understanding the Synod on Synodality and Its Importance in Everyday Catholic Life
July 30, 2022
9:00am - 1:00pm
St. Mark Catholic Church Parish Hall
St. Mark Catholic Church
325 Marine View Avenue
California Belmont
Please join Fr. Angel N. Quitalig and the Filipino Ministry Consultative Board (FMCB) for a Recollection and General Meeting to be held Saturday, July 30, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Mark Catholic Church in Belmont.

Recollection Theme Background:
In October 2021 Pope Francis formally launched the two-year global consultation process leading to the 2023 Synod on Synodality with a call to “look others in the eye and listen to what they have to say.” The launching took place at the height of the pandemic, and the event almost got buried in the news as global deaths from COVID infections dominated the daily press coverage. What kind of church does the world need today and the years to come? We live in a complex world, with conflicting demands for our attention that Pope Francis in his statement earlier this year expressed concern that people are “losing the ability to listen,” both in the Church and in the public arena.

In February of this year, the Archdiocese of San Francisco launched the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality, and all parishes were encouraged to participate in the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) survey administered by the Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI). The synthesis or the result of the survey and listening sessions submitted to USCCB last June revealed that only 22% of Asian American parishioners (Filipinos included) participated in the survey and 14% in the listening sessions. Among the key findings, “there is a hunger for transparency and continued dialogue, but many participants were skeptical that any action may result from this sharing.” Click on this link: Synod - Archdiocese of San Francisco (sfarchdiocese.org) for additional information on the result of the Archdiocesan survey and listening sessions.

In light of these findings, the Filipino Ministry Consultative Board (FMCB) has decided to convene a Recollection and invite the Filipino community of faithful to have a deeper understanding of the Synod on Synodality in order to align with Pope Francis’ call for all the baptized to journey together. Where is the Synod on Synodality leading us? We are called to be on the road together, but where is that road taking us? What is the destination? What is its importance in the daily Catholic life?

Terry O’Neill, the Church of Epiphany’s Coordinator for the Synod on Synodality’s diocesan phase, has graciously accepted FMCB’s invitation to speak on what the three-year process is all about. The rationale behind the theme of the Recollection: Understanding the synodal process is key to participating fully in the mission of the Church.

FMCB welcome and thank the new Vicar for Filipinos, Father Angel N. Quitalig, for being open to give a reflection on the spirituality of Synodality and how we can set ourselves anew for the mission of the Church.

After the Recollection, the General Meeting will immediately follow. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to gather in person once again and enjoy camaraderie with friends and fellow parishioners. RSVP is required for lunch headcount. Please respond no later than Saturday, July 23. Respond to: [email protected] or send text to: 415.336.9193 or 415.317.5481.

For complete information on the event, please visit: http://www.filipinoministrysf.org
Website: https://filipinoministrysf.org
Understanding the Synod on Synodality and Its Importance in Everyday Catholic Life
July 30, 2022
9:00am - 1:00pm
St. Mark Catholic Church Parish Hall
St. Mark Catholic Church
325 Marine View Avenue
California Belmont
(415) 595-9248