Giving Options
A legacy (or planned) gift is a contribution designated during a donor’s life that will take effect at or after his or her passing. By including your parish and/or the Archdiocese in your estate plans, you are helping preserve the mission and values of the church and its commitment to ministry. A legacy gift may be the ultimate way to impact lives for generations.
Support of any size ensures that the Archdiocese of San Francisco remains a premier Catholic institution. There are many ways to give, whether your gift is small or large. And every contribution is considered important – not only because it will help our community’s current programs or our ministries, but also because it will have an incredible impact on the future parishioners who attend our parishes.
Archdiocesan Annual Appeal
Our mission as a Church and people of faith continues, and the needs are ongoing, so I ask you to make a gift to this year’s Archdiocesan Annual Appeal; because of your generosity and that of many others throughout our Archdiocese, our Church is able to provide assistance and resources to people in need through the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal
Priests Retirement Fund
Our priests have dedicated their lives to serving others. They have been with us and those we love for many of life’s most precious moments, from birth to death, showing us the love and compassion of God. Now in their retirement years, these men of God need and deserve our help.
Archbishop’s Circle
The Archbishop’s Circle consists of over eighty households representing about 110 individuals. Circle members support special programs identified by Archbishop Cordileone. Without the support of the Circle members, these initiatives would not be funded.
Benedict XVI Institute
The Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship’s unique mission is to open the door of Beauty to God. We pursue this mission through two great strategies: providing practical resources for more beautiful and reverent liturgies and energizing a Catholic culture of the arts.
The Hospital and Prision Chaplaincy program gives individuals and families the opportunity for priests to provide spiritual and emotional support to people in hospitals. As a chaplain, priests will mark the beginning of lives, the end of lives and the many transforming moments in between.
Diaconate Formation
The history of every Christian vocation is the history of an inexpressible dialogue between God and human beings; between the love of God who calls and the freedom of individuals who respond lovingly to him. Through the Church, Christ calls some to ordained service through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Ethnic Ministries
The Archdiocese of San Francisco’s Ethnic Ministry department encounters today’s disciples in faith communities representing more than 20 different ethnic groups. It helps sustain each Catholic community’s unique cultural and traditional expressions of faith while offering a sense of unity with all Catholics in the archdiocese.
Faith Formation
Every parish has a responsibility to provide faith formation for the children and youth of their parish. No children can be turned away from religious education because of limited space, timing, or the disposition of the parents. It is the responsibility of the Christian community by seeking dialogue with the families and propose appropriate forms of education.
Grief & Consolation Ministries
A time of sorrow can be, even with its difficulties, a unique time of grace for the grieving and for those who grieve with them. Comforting the sorrowful is one of the seven spiritual works of mercy rooted in the life of Jesus, a ministry perpetuated by Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of San Francisco through the gifts of trained members.
Human Life & Dignity
Gabriel Project
Your life is not the same. You’re pregnant and may be feeling alone, frightened, and overwhelmed by new challenges. Right now you need a friend you can depend on and trust. We offer you immediate, practical assistance with your pregnancy. More than anything else, we will embrace you as family and friend.
Project Rachel
Hope and Healing after Abortion. You are not alone. The Archdiocese of San Francisco sponsors Project Rachel which helps women and men heal the pain of abortion and to find the path to peace and reconciliation.
Restorative Justice Ministry
We provide people affected by crime, victims and offenders within our communities support to heal through prayer, prevention, intervention, and guidance. We believe that peace and justice are attainable when both parties receive the services needed to heal and advance themselves within our society.
Marriage & Family Life
Marriage And Family Life
Marriage And Family Life provides Catholic marriage preparation required by the Archdiocese of San Francisco. It is one of the programs where the focus will be the on the view of marriage as a lifelong commitment, a journey of love and renewal, a relationship with a spiritual foundation, and a very important and integral part of our Church.
Life Giving Wounds
Dealing with our parents’ divorce is not easy but confronting this wound with faith can allow us to find great healing. We hope that you will become part of our supportive community and receive the many graces available through this ministry.
Retrouvaille (pronounced re-tro-vi) is French for rediscovery or reuniting with a loved one. Through Retrouvaille, you may rediscover a rewarding marriage for you, despite the pain and struggles you may be facing right now. Retrouvaille offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage.
Formation for Priests
Through the Church, Christ calls some to ordained service through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Formation for ordination to a diaconal vocation is an intense process consisting, followed by a life-long commitment to continued personal formation and growth.
St. Patrick’s Seminary
St. Patrick’s Seminary seeks to serve the Roman Catholic Church by forming priests whose lives are configured to the sacrifice of Jesus, rooted in His Word and Sacrament, and dedicated to serve the people of God with the pastoral charity of Christ.
The Office of Vocations assists men and women in hearing the voice of the Lord in their lives as he calls them to the consecrated religious life and priesthood. We hope that these resources will assist you as you open your ears and begin to listen to the Master speak to you.
Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry welcomes all adults ages 18-40, as they are met in the stages of life as college students, professional singles, married couples, or young families that are eager to grow in love with God whether searching, found, confused or questioning.
Youth Ministry
The Archdiocese of San Francisco supports youth ministry programs that foster the catechesis, moral, and spiritual formation of young people in Middle School through High School, To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
Mission Office
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith has become the Church’s official organization for mission aid, Helping the World’s Missions. Help is offered for pastoral and evangelizing programs, for catechists and catechetical work, for the building of churches and chapels, for the work of religious communities in health care and education, and for communication and transportation needs
Everybody is different.
We realize that everyone is different. Whether you are a lifelong supporter or new to giving, we welcome your support. There is no measure you can put on a donor’s willingness to give back. During these unstable economic times we are very thankful to each and every supporter, volunteer and donor. Because of your gifts, no matter the size, The Archdiocese of San Francisco continues to grow.
Tell Us why you give
The reasons for giving are as diverse as our community programs, helping our ministries and our friends. What inspires you? What has Archdiocese of San Francisco done that makes you proud to be a donor? Tell us today and your reason could be featured in our next issue of our CSF Magazine.
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