Help pregnant women in need with Gabriel Project Extraordinary Needs Fund
“Every human life, unique and unrepeatable, has value in and of itself; it is of inestimable value”
Pope Francis
Housing and childcare are two of the greatest needs of women who find themselves pregnant and overwhelmed. The Gabriel Project Ministry is able to assist with ongoing emotional and some material support already. But we want to do more.
Nearly 70% of Abortions Are Coerced, Unwanted or Inconsistent With Womenās Preferences
Many women who choose to deliver their babies are telling our Gabriel Project angels they struggle to manage childcare and/or housing. Women who choose abortion are citing the same concerns to our Angels and those who help women heal after abortion. That is also supported by surveys.

In response, the Archdiocese of San Francisco has established
The Gabriel Project Extraordinary Needs Fund
One hundred percent of all donations will go toward women in need for short term help with rent, childcare or other extraordinary needs. This is separate from what the Gabriel Project provides on an ongoing basis to each woman who comes to us for help on this journey.

The purpose of the fund is to offer one-time or short-term help to Gabriel Project clients with extraordinary needs, particularly childcare and/or housing. Other extraordinary, unspecified short-term needs might be eligible. The funds would not be repaid. The funds are allocated to clients who are working with the Gabriel Project, but being part of the ministry is not a guarantee of receiving this help. Each grant of funds would be recommended by an Angel/volunteer and/or Gabriel Project coordinator. Ā Final approval would be by the director of the Office of Human Life & Dignity.
All donations are 100 percent tax-deductible through the Archdiocese of San Franciscoās Tax ID 94-1156707.
If you choose to donate via check, please make the checks payable to the Archdiocese of San Francisco Gabriel Project Extraordinary Needs Fund. Mail to Gabriel Project Extraordinary Needs Fund, Office of Human Life & Dignity, Archdiocese of San Francisco Pastoral Center, One Peter Yorke Way, San Francisco, CA 94109.
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