Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone

Archbishop of San Francisco

Salvatore Cordileone was appointed the Archbishop of San Francisco on July 27, 2012, and was installed on October 4, 2012, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption.

Since then, he has led the faithful of San Francisco with steadfast determination.

Latest from the Archbishop

Read Archbishop’s latest statements, homilies, op-eds, videos, memos, and more.

June 30, 2020 – Op-Ed: Statues of St. Junipero Serra Deserve to Stay
The Washington Post PDF English https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/06/30/statues-saint-junpero-serra-deserve-stay/Washington Post opinion page June 30, 2020Statues of Saint Junípero Serra deserve to stayBy Salvatore Joseph Cordileone Salvatore Joseph Cordileone is the Archbishop of San… Read More
“From Slavery to Freedom: the Journey Fueled by Trust and Service”
The struggle to journey from slavery to freedom is very much what this night is about.  The story began long ago with a people chosen by God who were being… Read More
“A Lesson for Christian Living, or an Empty Ritual?  What It Means to Wash Feet”
Far from some sort of sentimental gesture or folkloric custom, it is meant to teach us the essence of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
A sign of contradiction
This is a time of the year when we can deepen our reflection on the meaning of the cross and Christ crucified, which is described in sacred scripture as a… Read More
“The Only Way Up Is Down”
God exalts the humble, and this is the purpose of the season of Lent, and its most intensive time in this one week of the year which we call “Holy.” … Read More
“Free to Be Light, Strength, Healing and Consecration for the World”
The oils which we will soon bless and consecrate will be the means by which Christ whispers those words of love to our hearts, equipping us to be capable of… Read More
“Lent and the Lesson of True Equal Human Dignity”
Our Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, almsgiving and other works of charity are a recurring reorientation for us, so that we will always keep God at the center of our… Read More
“Honoring God, Remembering Our Heroes, and Preserving the Soul of Our Culture”
Our purpose in coming together tonight – remembering those who have been forgotten, those who have been displaced, made homeless and have become invisible to society – makes it difficult… Read More

The coat of arms

The coat of arms of Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone celebrates the line of fishermen in his family. It presents a red crab against a silver background and a demi-lion with red claws holding a heart to honor the family name, Cordileone, which means “heart of a lion” from a literal translation of cor di leone.

The banner at the bottom includes his motto, “In Verbo Tuo,” translated, “At Your Word,” recalling the Gospel story of the apostles casting their nets at the Lord’s urging after fishing all night and catching nothing. Peter lets down the net on the strength of Christ’s command. “And Simon answered: ‘Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” (Luke 5:5)

Archbishop’s Circle

The Archbishop’s Circle consists of over eighty households representing about 110 individuals. Circle members support special programs identified by Archbishop Cordileone. Without the support of the Circle members, these initiatives would not be funded.

Support Archbishop Cordileone and his vision by funding special programs and initiatives

The Archbishop’s First Pastoral Letter

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you” (Jer 1:5). A young Jeremiah heard the Lord speak these words to him over 2500 years ago. In these times in which we are living, the scourge of abortion ignores the reality that humans are made in the image of God, known and beloved by God. This pastoral letter addresses all Catholics, but especially Catholics in public life, calling for deep reflection on the evil of abortion and on the meaning of receiving Holy Communion, the Bread of Life.