San Quentin Rehabilitation Center

Reentry Resource Fair
Archdiocese of San Francisco
Restorative Justice Ministry, a ministry of presence


Saturday, April 5, 2025
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
San Quentin Rehabilitation Center

Registration is closed for this year’s event.

The Archdiocese of San Francisco Restorative Justice Ministry and the Catholic Chaplaincy Ministry invites reentry providers with the following services to join us:

•  2nd Chance Employment
 • Reentry Support Services
•  Legal Services
•  Transitional Housing
•  Mental Health Services
•  Tattoo Removal
•  Mentorship Programs
•  Transportation for Prisoners Upon Release
•  Vocational Training, Education and Scholarships
•  State and City Human Services
•  Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Support

Life after prison starts with support and relationships inside.

The Archdiocese of San Francisco Restorative Justice in partnership with the Catholic Chaplaincy Ministry is hosting a transitions fair at the San Quentin Rehabilitation Center facility on Saturday, April 5, 8:00 AM 3:00 PM — connecting incarcerated men nearing the end of their sentences with government agencies, nonprofits and employers who could keep them moving forward when they leave prison, not back.

The Catholic Chapel will be setup with exhibitors’ tables, offering information about housing, employment, education, and other resources to support the people incarcerated in this state prison who will returning home one day.

This Restorative Justice transition fair will provide an opportunity for our incarcerated population to connect 1:1 with community partners across the state of California who offer release services and support. Community partners invited to participate include services around housing, employment, education, healthcare, identification, and overall community support and navigation.  The vision is to hold this event twice a year.


For questions contact Julio Escobar or Rev. George Williams SJ
at (415) 614-5572 or [email protected]