Humanae Vitae

Proclaiming God’s gifts of love and life to husband and wife

Humanae Vitae
 (“Of Human Life”) is the papal encyclical written by Blessed Pope Paul VI in 1968. It provides beautiful and clear teaching about God’s plan for married love and the transmission of life.  July 25, 2018, marks the 50th anniversary of the issuance of Humanae Vitae. In this anniversary year, Catholics are urged to read the document and to grasp its meaning, purpose, and impact. Here you can read the document (in English or Spanish), and find new reflections, articles, and resources.

Articles and Other Resources

For an abundance of resources, visit the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’  Humanae Vitae web page

Celebrating 50 Years of Humanae Vitae
“Faithful to God’s Design” conference in California July 27-28

“Taking the Hard Way Out: Evangelization in a Post-Christian World”      TEXTVIDEO
Talk by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone at March 24, 2018 symposium on Evangelization

“What Catholic Women Think About Faith, Conscience, and Contraception”:  a survey by EPPC

“Humanae Vitae: A Summary of Pope Paul VI’s Prophetic Encyclical” (

Why the Drafting of Humanae Vitae Still Matters, Fifty Years Later” (Catholic News Agency)

“The Splendor of Love”   (Episcopal letter on the 50th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae)

“El Esplendor del Amor””   (Carta Episcopal para el aniversario 50 de Humanae Vitae)

“The Prophetic Power of Humanae Vitae   (Mary Eberstadt, First Things, April 2018)

California Association of Natural Family Planning

Humanae Vitae draws connections necessary to oppose abortion”    (April 26, 2018)